“I work with those who wish to enjoy a richer, more fulfilling life. I offer transformational psychotherapy and relational therapy in Petersfield, London, and online.
My approach is centered on supporting you in moving towards your highest expression: to reconnect and come into alignment. Together, we will uncover, understand, and transform the events, experiences, and patterns that stand in your way.
We will share a space of self-discovery and healing as you gently explore and integrate the deeper layers of your experience and develop new ways of being, coming away feeling lighter, clearer, and empowered.”
– Joe Summerfield
Meet Joe Summerfield
For over 20 years, I’ve dedicated my personal and professional life to wellness. My journey began with a focus on the interaction between physical and psychological health, evolving to include the subconscious, communication, and relational psychology. I founded my practice after graduating from the University of Southampton in 2004, taking a humanist approach to psychotherapy, going on to develop Connected State Therapy, an experiential therapeutic model designed to help individuals achieve deep and lasting change. You can read more about CST here.
I’m committed to continual learning and exploration in the field of “the human experience”. My studies include Humanistic Therapy, Encounter-Centered couples therapy, relational psychology, Jungian psychology, Gestalt therapy, sound therapy, and coaching and mentoring. I’m also certified in Pilates, yoga, functional movement, and advanced nutrition. My work has included both individual practice and contributions to one of the UK’s top naturopathic clinics, as well as writing for natural health publications.
If you’re ready to take the next step towards a more empowered and fulfilling life, I invite you to schedule a free 15 minute call here for a no-obligation meeting.
On a personal note, I live in the Hampshire countryside with my family. Music my other great calling. I performed professionally as a guitarist from 1996 to 2015, touring internationally and recording. This appreciation of music informs my ongoing work with sound. Additionally, I run Brotherhood, a project that supports young men as they explore their relationship to their masculinity.

“What I offer is the culmination of a life long journey of active learning. I love my work and I am entirely committed to continually developing my understandings and practices, to get the best results for my clients, for my family, and for myself.”
– Joe Summerfield
What Do Clients Say?
Joe offers a beautifully unique warm safe space by simply being in his presence. His ability to listen and get to the source of what is troubling is amazing. He offered us simple techniques, which we use in daily life and gave us immediate results. It is an honour to spend time with him.
The healing journey that I shared with Joe as my guide, was quite simply profound. I never even realised that I needed healing and how wrong I was. Having always been someone who for the past 22 years has looked only to the light / positive and ignored all shadow work, I suddenly started feeling that now was the time to look at the parts of me / my memories that I kept locked in my subconscious. I felt that these shadow parts were a key reason why I kept repeating the same life patterns. The healing journey began with a deeply thought provoking session where Joe gently led the conversation to help me and him understand more about who I was at the core, and what may come up during the upcoming healing ceremony. The healing ceremony itself was a whole evening and it is hard to articulate it in words. We opened the ceremony with some heart opening ceremonial cacao, which led into a deeply immersive gong bath and shamanic drumming & meditation, as Joe led me on a journey within myself. Every step of the way, Joe was there – guiding me – holding space for me. He helped me to access memories and feelings so deeply buried in my subconscious – that I had no idea that they were even there before. We journeyed into my childhood and got straight to a time in my life that needed looking at. It was intense to say the least, but it was something that needed to be done. I felt completely safe with Joe. His gentle voice and beautiful nature meant that even though I was facing memories that felt like I was back there again, I still felt okay knowing I had Joe holding space. I have never done anything like this before. It is a vulnerable thing to open your subconscious mind to anyone outside of yourself, and yet with Joe I felt completely right in sharing this journey with him. A few days after the ceremony we had an integration session, which again was so deeply thought provoking and meaningful. The healing journey has helped me to reconnect with my authentic self. It has helped me to remember who I am – behind the linked in profile and the facebook page and the facade that we all tend to put up that says “I’m fine” to the world. Because really – we all need healing, even if we think we don’t.
I have no doubt that were it not for Joe and our sessions together, I would not be getting around in the way that I am. I suffered from back pain for years and had found that my strength and balance were deteriorating. My back is now better than it's been for many years and I feel confident going about town and spending time in the garden.
My husband and I had a truly excellent experience with Joe. We both felt very comfortable and relaxed and with his help we were able to resolve some issues that had been causing difficulties for many years. It has made a huge difference in our household. Joe is very skilled and knwledgeable and I would recommend him to anyone.
I have attended an online gong meditation session. I have to be honest, I was super sceptical. I practise meditation and I wondered why gongs would be useful and how on earth they would work over zoom. Wow! It was wonderful. I loved the skilfully created sound of the gongs and Joe's gentle guidance. It's unique, calming and totally blissful.
We attended Joe's classes, and found them excellent. The exercises supported us with our various aches and pains. Joe is a fantastic coach and very knowledgeable. We recommend him. Thank you Joe.
My intention of working with Joe was to improve my core strength. I wanted to feel better in my body. With the caring encouragement, knowledge and support of Joe, I?ve absolutely achieved this objective. Throw away any preconceived ideas you have about personal trainers being loud, bullying and mean! Joe breaks the mould. He balances rigour, science and deep knowledge about the body with a soft touch that has you work hard almost without knowing it.
I've been amazed by my sessions. I have been to therapists before and it always took a lot out of me. I felt raw and stripped back and it would take me the week to recover, and then it would start again at my next session. So I would stop going. I know I need help though. I found Joe and booked feeling very unsure. I have been amazed by my sessions so far. It is the opposite of my previous experiences. I leave the sessions feeling like a weight has been lifted. Lighter, happier, and much clearer about everything.
Couldn't recommend more! Working with Joe has totally transformed my life - I felt safe and heard for the first time in my life! Thank you Joe
I feel more whole. Less in my head and more in touch with myself. Much more clear about things in my life, and calmer.
Thank you for all of your support and kindness Joe. It's been eye opening to say the least. I really feel that I have finally broken the cycle of dieting and weight gain, and I am feeling much more comfortable and capable in my body.
I’m a self confessed workaholic - stress head - with childhood trauma. I had lost a lot of confidence over the years and found staying in with a bottle of wine was the easiest and safest place for me until I embarked on a journey of change with Joe at Joe Summerfield. At first I was a little nervous, anxious, sceptical and didn’t really know what to expect, I must admit the 1st few sessions were a little difficult to relax and let myself open up to the process but once I got over the initial feelings, thoughts, anxiousness etc I started to become more comfortable and relaxed. I was opening up more, letting my feelings out, as time went on I was becoming more centred and balanced, I even had a very spiritual and life changing experience which has literally changed my life for the better! Joe has guided me through so many issues, given me the tools to be able to deal with the things which were creating the blockages in my life, helped me to understand and love myself more, I have become a different person. Now looking forward to what life now brings, I want to experience more, diving deeper into myself, my anxiety is almost nonexistent and the world around me feels much more connected. Joe has really opened my eyes and I can’t thank him enough! This is certainly something everyone should try with an open mind as you never know it might just work! It 100% did for me. Thank you Joe
Joe offers an astoundingly safe, honest and nurturing space through his coaching sessions. His integrity, intelligence and care has truly enabled me to develop a compassionate understanding about the relationship I hold with myself and those around me. Joe's gentle and subtle approach to experiencing life and all that it brings has enabled me to equip myself with much more appropriate, healthy and necessarily nurturing inner resources. In every moment I continue to clear so many mental, physical and spiritual blockages that I never thought would be attainable.
Joe is a wonderful therapist and a skilful listener who succeeds at creating a compassionate and non-judgemental space for you to address issues that are troubling you and work together with you to understand better and become more aware of your states of mind or patterns of behaviour. Highly recommended.
My three month period with you has transformed my life in a number of ways, both mentally and physically. My understanding of nutrition and my eating habits are much better - I can tell by reading my old food diary. And I feed me and my husband your recipes regularly! I have also kept lifestyle changes up, have a strict rule about keeping devices downstairs for example. I've taken it a step further this year and removed Facebook from my phone. All helping with stress and concentration and I am sleeping better. I wish I could pick our sessions up again, I loved them. Thank you. You have made a lasting difference and it was at a time I really needed it!
We attended one of Joe's workshops in a beautiful garden. It was outstanding... magical. I would thoroughly recommend.
Joe has been extremely helpful to me in turning my life around and I feel much better for it. He is a wealth of knowledge and extremely understanding and encouraging. I would recommend him to all!
I have had the privilege of working with Joe multiple times, and he consistently proves himself to be an exceptional guide and facilitator. Joe possesses a rare combination of keen intuition, deep empathy, and the ability to create a safe space that allows you to explore your innermost thoughts and feelings. His profound insights and gentle questioning skillfully lead you to the core of the matter without imposing his views. Joe's profound expertise is evident in how he witnesses your journey with utmost presence, leaving you feeling truly seen, supported, and empowered to take charge of your own growth and progress.
Joe has been working with me for 6 months now. His guidance and coaching have made a huge difference to me. I had a lot of arthritic pain in my hips and was generally just plain stiff! I feel so much better now. No pain killers and I can move around so much more freely. Joe's patient but firm style is exactly right even though I still have to put in the work! Thank you so much Joe.
I cannot recommend Joe highly enough. He has a beautiful, soothing, calming energy and his gong playing is exquisite. He is a very easy person to open up to, knowing that you will be supported and listened to without judgement.
Joe is an excellent guide and has helped me over the years arrive gently at a place of deeper understanding when I have faced a block in the road. I trust his knowledge, kindness and deep understanding of the human condition and recommend him to any searching for clarity.
I have only been working with Jo for a few weeks now but already I feel fitter and stronger. I have lost weight and my core is stronger enabling to maintain my balance while walking in wet and muddy conditions. Previously when I slipped I would finish up in the mud but now I am able to keep my balance.I am over 70 now but feel fitter than I was 5 years ago with fewer injuries, such as pulled muscles.
I approached this novel method with an open mind, having experienced traditional variants such as CBT. Quickly, these sessions allowed a deeper connection to important events in my life leading to an understanding of how my responses to them had affected and effected what I could broadly refer to as relationships, not least with myself. This understanding is still something I'm getting to grips with. I feel more able to see the patterns and thus able to consider rejection or acceptance of my responses. Ever onward.
Your session, for me, especially resonated which was a joy and a delight. I was completely lost in the experience and was floating above the clouds, much like certain birds do when they find a thermal!
Equilibrium for me is the most amazing class, it?s a toning and strengthening workout using the combined elements of Yoga and pilates. No need for dumbbells and gym equipment we do everything using our body to tone and sculpt. I like to have a challenging work out but I don?t want to put stress on my back and knees and this is what this class does. I love it!
This class is fantastic. A very new yet extremely effective way to get toned, stretch, breath and de-stress. It can be as hard or as easy as you want it to be. Joe is a fantastic teacher! After this class I felt toned but also my soul felt lighter and clearer!
I have suffered with back, neck and shoulder problems for some time and following advice from my osteopath and physio I looked at trying a more gentle form of exercise to strengthen and stretch the problem areas (I had been using a gym which exasperated the issues). Joe's classes have taught me that small movements and stretches can be more beneficial and have certainly eased my aches and pains. That said, I definitely feel as though I have worked out during the sessions! I have also felt confident enough to continue with some stretches at home during the summer break. Joe is a great teacher with a calm and positive manner. He finds out what areas need to be worked on and comes up with a range of exercises that give a deep and effective workout. He never pushes you too far but aims to encourage you to achieve your very best.
I am a 58 year old university lecturer and I am amazed to think that it has been over 2 years since I started working with Joe at Reshape fitness. I think the length of time I have stayed with Joe's exercise class is, in itself, a testament to their effectiveness. In the past I was rather fickle and took classes for a few months before trailing off and then spending time thinking I really should be doing something, before once again finding a new exercise style, a new class and a new teacher. So why have I stayed with Joe's classes? Joe is unfailing supportive and positive during class, creating a very safe and calm environment for all those taking part no matter what their level of fitness is. His experience of running classes means he can effortlessly cater to all the different needs of his students in one space. The classes run smoothly from one exercise to the next and Joe's deep knowledge of anatomy and exercise means he is able to explain the reasons behind the choice of exercise and what you should be paying attention to while doing the exercises. The exercises are a blend of pilates, yoga and calisthenics and so do not rely on the intense aerobic activity of traditional exercise classes. However, the exercises are very focused and work the muscles just as intensely as traditional aerobic classes, just without the wear and tear on the joints. I am a very keen gardener and do a lot of lugging compost bags and digging, but since working with Joe, I do not have a sore back at the end of a day on the allotment. I have also ceased to have a problem with my knees. So, I do feel that all the work I have done with Joe over the last 2 years has really made a difference to the quality of my life.
Thank you for your wonderful event last Wednesday. What you offered was astounding and transported me to a different level of consciousness.
The work with sound was spectacular, I melted, I was more energy than form and that in itself was a beautiful release. It was a very special experience and I look forward to the next time. I thoroughly enjoyed your energy and you compassionate flexible and gentle guidance, you have a true gift.