How Connected State Therapy Transforms the Experience of Healing
Recently, I had the pleasure of working with a client who was trying therapy for the fourth time. Why four attempts?
For some time, they knew there were internal barriers holding them back. Yet, their previous experiences in therapy had been incredibly challenging. They described each session as a painful unraveling, leaving them feeling torn apart, only to spend the week putting themselves back together before it happened all over again.
So, they approached therapy with trepidation.
But after our first session together, they shared something that heartened me deeply. They described feeling clearer, calmer, and lighter – as though a weight had been lifted. And, despite that sense of ease, we still explored deep, meaningful lines of enquiry.
The approach I use – one I developed myself – I call Connected State Therapy. What they experienced is at the heart of CST, and I believe there are two reasons for that. First, we pay close attention to the state of the client’s nervous system, creating safety before anything else. And second, we don’t impose a rigid line of enquiry. Instead, we create a space where the psyche can reveal itself naturally.
In my experience, the subconscious has its own intelligence. It knows what needs to be processed or integrated, and in what order. When we allow it to guide us, true healing and transformation can take place.
If you’ve been curious about therapy or want to experience Connected State Therapy for yourself, I invite you to book a session using this link. You might find this to be the gentle yet transformative approach you’ve been looking for.
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